
Transform Your Business and Drive Revenue Growth

Download the Unveiling the Digital Revolution: A Food Distributor's Transformation Process


Ready to digitally transform your business?

Many independent and smaller distributors lack up-to-date online ordering mechanisms, unlike their larger counterparts which leaves them at a competitive disadvantage.

However, to stay in business, the decision to go digital is no longer optional. It is essential that food distributors, regardless of size, undergo this digital transformation process.

From Cut+Dry and Kinetic12, this report will help you start the digital transformation of your business.


What's Inside

  1. Introduction
  2. The transformation process
  3. The importance of a rich e-commerce experience and a phased omnichannel strategy
  4. Pricing your products right
  5. Change management
  6. E-commerce led modernization: planning and execution
  7. Upselling: The true e-commerce experience
  8. The role Artificial Intelligence plays in your enterprise
  9. Conclusion

Written in partnership with Kinetic12

Kinetic12 is a boutique management consulting firm specializing in the food industry. We help our clients deliver sustainable results and achieve on-going market leading performance. We do this by creating game-changing insights leading to break-through strategies and effective execution.

Download the Unveiling the Digital Revolution: A Food Distributor’s Transformation process white paper

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